Church of St. Archangel Michael in Klimkówka was designed by Florian Wais, a local master-carpenter whose other works also include a number of villas in Iwonicz-Zdrój. The church was reconstructed a number of times

Church of St. Archangel Michael in Klimkówka

Parish of St. Archangel Michael in Klimkówka

Zdrojowa 302

38-480 Rymanów

phone: 13 307 35 55


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The single-nave log church is not oriented towards the East. The chancel, smaller than the nave, is enclosed in semi-hexagonal walls along with the sacristy and a porch. The post-and-frame tower, comprising a vestibule on the ground floor and two annexes on the sides, is a two-story structure, octagonal in its upper part. It is covered with a multi-pitched roof clad with sheet metal. The ridge roof over the nave is also clad with sheet metal and features a bell turret. The unique features include the octagonal windows.


Read more about the attraction on the Wooden Architecture Route website



Photo: Krystian Kłysewicz