Explore one of the most beautiful cities in the Podkarpacie region. Take a walk along the steep cobbled streets. Learn about the history and culture.

Biuro Podróży PAWUK

ul. Bieszczadzka 5,

38-540 Zagórz

Phone: 721215453

e-mail: biuro@pawuk.pl




Normal ticket price – PLN 155

Concessionary ticket price – PLN 145


Payment in cash on the coach - advance booking necessary

Prices for 2024* The organiser reserves the right to change the price if the component prices of the individual package attractions increase.




Advance booking a minimum of one day prior to the tour is necessary, when booking we take details for insurance i.e. name and date of birth.

The tour is organised with a minimum of 20 people.

It is possible to join the tour according to the timetable presented on the website.

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Discover the secrets of Przemysl with Švejk

Have you ever dreamt of a journey through time, discovering history with a smile, following in the footsteps of the legendary Švejk? If so, we have an offer you cannot refuse. Prepare for an unforgettable adventure with our "Przemysl and Švejk" tour!


Fall in love with Przemysl

Przemysl, the Little Lviv, is a true gem of the Subcarpathia. Its steep, cobbled streets lead past beautiful cathedrals and townhouses, creating a unique atmosphere. The landmarks and history of this place are fascinating – from the ruins of Romanesque structures, through the Renaissance castle, late Gothic cathedrals, to the grand military monuments of both World Wars.


Tracing history

The tour begins with a drive through the picturesque Przemysl Foothills, where you can admire Poland's largest hairpin bends. We will visit the Krasiczyn Castle, one of the most beautiful Polish Renaissance castles, with a unique garden and magnificent sgraffito images on its walls.


Next is the Przemysl Fortress - a Great War fortress considered the largest complex of its kind in the world. It is a real treat for military enthusiasts but the remains of it are so numerous and valuable that it is impossible to get to know them all in one day.


For military enthusiasts, we also offer a tour explaining the secrets of this extraordinary military construction upon request.


Journey to Przemysl with the jolly Švejk

In the next stage of our tour, we will head to the beautiful Przemysl. Guiding us will be the humour-filled and jocular Švejk – a stroll around the old town in his company is an unforgettable experience. We will visit cathedrals and churches, the Renaissance castle, the market square with its cobbled streets and beautiful townhouses. Then, we will cool off emotions during a visit to the famous ice cream parlour, which in 2014 was recognized as the best in Poland!


End the day with a view

Finally, we will take a trip to the Tatar Mound. From there, visitors can enjoy a breathtaking view of the city and the San River. Additionally, a walking trail showcases the remnants of the tallest fortress in the Przemysl Fortress.


Our "Przemysl and Švejk" tour is not just a journey through time but an unforgettable experience that will surely satisfy history lovers and those looking for unique attractions. Join us and rediscover Przemysl!