Kościół pw. św. Bartłomieja w Rogach is oriented towards the East, and comprises a post-and-frame tower, a post-and-beam vestibule as well as a brick sacristy, which was added later. The nave is covered with a double-pitched roof and the chancel with a slightly lower three-pitched roof. The roof over the nave features a neo-Baroque turret

St. Bartholomew's Church in Rogi

Parish of St. Bartholomew in Rogi

Kościelna 3

38-430 Rogi

e-mail: rogi@przemyska.pl



how to get there

The Baroque and late Baroque furnishings inside include the high altar from the 1700s, two side altars at the entrance to the chancel from the 1600s, a unique pomegranate-shaped pulpit from the 1700s, as well as a Baroque chalice-shaped baptismal font made from black marble from the 1700s.


Read more about the attraction on the Wooden Architecture Route website


READ MORE ABOUT UNESCO and wooden architecture in the Low Beskid



Photo: Krystian Kłysewicz