"There is no way to peace. Peace is the way." In these words of Mahatma Gandhi one can find the senselessness of waging and declaring wars. However, in Rzeszów and its immediate surroundings we will find silent witnesses of war history, stimulating the imagination and forcing reflection. These are objects related to armed conflicts and the Cold War.
Let's go on a journey through history
We start our military journey approximately 30 km from Rzeszów. We are just in front of an inconspicuous gate leading us to the mysterious and invisible from the air Shelter Tunnel for the staff train under Góra Żarnowska in Strzyżów. It is the only such facility in Poland. It was here that in August 1941 Adolf Hitler's Amerika train was hidden. The 438 m reinforced concrete shelter was built on his order in the years 1940-1941.
![Schron Tunelowy w Strzyżowie_fot. Arch. Muzeum Ziemi Strzyzowskiej.webp [3.33 MB]](https://podkarpackie.travel/storage/image/core_files/2023/5/18/7c379bb280816750dff8c741a77888c0/webp/prot/preview/Schron%20Tunelowy%20w%20Strzyżowie_fot.%20Arch.%20Muzeum%20Ziemi%20Strzyzowskiej.webp)
In turn, 17 km from Strzyżów, in the village of Stępina, there is the second part of Hitler's headquarters "Anlage Süd" – a huge above-ground railway shelter with a length of 383 m. The area was once surrounded by a wooden fence and barbed wire entanglements, and the shelters were hidden under camouflage nets. It was from this part of the headquarters that Adolf Hitler personally used. A meeting between Hitler and Mussolini was held here on 27-28.08.1941.
We are now moving to the training ground, 50 km north of Stępina, to the village of Blizna, with a Historical Park among dense forests. We learn that during World War II, the Nazis tested V1 and V2 rocket weapons here. The V-2 rocket was to be the great hope of the Germans to turn the tide of the war in 1944 and reach the borders of England. In addition to the remains of the training ground and the reconstructed V2 rocket, the role of the Home Army in unmasking Hitler's secret weapon, which contributed to the salvation of London, is also presented here.
![P1198192.webp [236.85 KB]](https://podkarpackie.travel/storage/image/core_files/2023/12/28/abbeb623731669cab31575e0c54d8555/webp/prot/preview/P1198192.webp)
Anti-nuclear shelter in Rzeszów
We leave a slightly newer story for the end. We move to Rzeszów, where we can find an anti-nuclear shelter "Marysieńka", an object built during the "Cold War" (1956-1960). The shelter with a considerable area of nearly 400 square meters was built in the event of a global nuclear war. It was to provide shelter for 58 people for 21 days, as well as a backup command post for the troops.
![Schron Marysieńka_fot. G. Joniec.webp [1.31 MB]](https://podkarpackie.travel/storage/image/core_files/2023/5/18/9d791b6cbbecc3a5e64b80af08f17cfa/webp/prot/preview/Schron%20Marysieńka_fot.%20G.%20Joniec.webp)
An interesting fact is the inconspicuous location of this military object and the perfect camouflage, which is a classic white single-family house. In addition, for camouflage, the building at Królowej Marysieńki Street was inhabited during the Cold War by a family obliged by state secrets. Underground we visit as many as a dozen anti-nuclear rooms. You can see here sanitary quarters, boiler room, electrical switchboard, kitchen, doctor's office, or hydrophore with its own deep wells.
Opening hours
March, April, May, June, September, October:
Wednesday to Sunday, 10:00 to 18:00
July, August:
6 days a week from 10:00 to 18:00 (Tuesday to Sunday)
from Monday to Friday, after prior telephone contact at: 17 2764 238, mobile 889 839 031.
Contact details
Shelter tunnel in Strzyżów
Tunelowa Street, near the railway station
Operated by:
Zygmunt Leśniak Local Government Museum of the Strzyżów Region in Strzyżów,
ul. Łukasiewicza 10, 38-100 Strzyżów
tel. 17 2764 238, mob. 889 839 031
E-mail: muzeum.samorzadowe.strzyzow.@gmail.com
Opening hours
from 1 May to the end of September:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday – from 10:00 to 18:00
Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00
Sunday – from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On other days and hours during the year, visiting is possible by making an appointment by phone at 880 061 040.
There is a parking lot on the premises, and a tourist route that leads tourists to the shelters and all the most interesting places of this complex.
Contact details
Railway Shelter Stępina-Cieszyna
38-125 Stepina
tel. 880 061 040
e-mail: tunelstepina@gmail.com
Opening hours
Summer season (from 01.04. to 31.10):
Tuesday-Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Winter season (from 01.11. to 31.03):
Tuesday-Saturday: 08:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Please note that the property is closed on Mondays all year round.
Contact details
Blizna 68
39-104 Blizna
Tel. 691 040 002
e-mail: park.blizna@ostrow.gmina.pl
Opening hours
Visiting the facility is possible after prior telephone contact.
Contact details
Królowej Marysieńki 3
35-628 Rzeszów
Tel. 601 885 820
Operated by:
Private Museum of Technology and Militaria in Rzeszów
ul. Jana Kochanowskiego 19, 35-201 Rzeszów
tel. 601 885 820