The beginning of the trip starts beside one of the biggest attractions of Podkarpackie - Museum of Folk Architecture in Sanok

Rafting on a San River: the route Sanok-Tyrawa-Solna



On a fairly close distance (11,8 km) you can visit the town Międzybrodzie where you can find a former Orthodox church built in 1900 and rent a summer cottage. A bit further in Liszna village, at the mouth of Chocholanski steam, there is a convenient place to rest. The adventure ends near Tyrawa Solna and Mrzygłód. In the first town, there is a wooden church which is definitely worth visiting; while in the second town  there is a complex of buildings. Both of the attractions are located on Wooden Architecture Route.


The trip should take 2-3 hours; it is easy to pass and is made for people of every age. Organized pontoon rafting is carried out by Travel Agency PAWUK.



Photo: Michał Bosek