"Stasiu, it would be wonderful to have a dazzling Ballroom, and also the Court Theater would add prestige to our residence." This is what his wife Izabela Czartoryska would say to the owner of the Łańcut castle, Grand Marshal of the Crown Stanisław Lubomirski
Erected in the 17th century, the Łańcut Castle is one of the finest and best-preserved magnate residences in Poland. It owes its present form and, above all, its dazzlingly sumptuous interiors to Izabela Lubomirska, née Czartoryska.
So let's boldly get inside!
After crossing the threshold of the former residence of the Lubomirski and Potocki families, we find ourselves in the light twilight offered by the Great Hall. Here we can look at the coats of arms of four magnate families appearing on the vault: Lubomirski, Czartoryski, Sanguszko and Radziwiłł families. The higher and farther we go, the more wealth and splendor await us.
We arrive at the Duchess Marshal's suites, where we can admire rococo paneling, huge mirrors and amazing wall upholstery in floral patterns. It is worth mentioning that the interiors in the Łańcut castle are almost completely furnished, so we can see beds, armchairs, larger furniture and trinkets from the old era. If you don't know what a magnate's bath room or the later Roman baths looked like, you'll find the answer during a tour of the castle.
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Cultural, musical, or men's entertainment was also reflected in the layout of the residence's rooms. In the Boucher Salon, where intimate musical evenings were held, we learn what instruments were played in the 18th century. In the Green Salon of the Men's Suites, we admire an original card table from the era. This is just a foretaste of the presentation of lavish magnate life, as the Ballroom awaits further on.
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It was here, presumably above the head of Princess Isabella and her guests whirling in the dance, that the illusionistic sky painted on the ceiling and the impressive crystal chandeliers appeared. All of this you can also admire nowadays. Be sure to take a look at the English-style park in front of the castle, where ball guests probably sneaked out to cool off a bit. This is only a small part of what can be admired at the Castle in Łańcut. Come and check it out for yourself! You can buy tickets for the tour at this link: Lancut castle Tickets
Tours and opening hours
Castle (Ground floor, 1st Floor), Stables and Coach House
February 1 to November 15
Monday - 12.00 -16.00 (last entry at 14.30)
Tuesday - Friday - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (last entry at 2:50 p.m.)
from February 1 to May 31 and from October 1 to November 15
Saturday - 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (last entry at 2:50 p.m.)
Sunday - 9am-5pm (last entry at 4pm)
from June 1 to September 30
Monday - 12.00 -16.00 (last entry at 14.30)
Tuesday - Friday - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (last entry at 2:50 p.m.)
Saturday, Sunday - 10:00 am - 6:00 pm (last entry at 5:00 pm)
Contact details
Museum - Castle in Łańcut
ul. Zamkowa 1
37-100 Łańcut
tel. 17 225 20 08
email: muzeum@zamek-lancut.pl
tel. (17) 749 38 62
tel. (17) 749 38 80
tel. (17) 17 749 38 95