"When he grew up, the duchess bought Przeworsk for Henryk, an estate located in close proximity to Łańcut(...). Prince Henry made Przeworsk, given to him by the Duchess, where she built him a palace, one of the richest Polish residences with collections of art and historical memorabilia and established an ordinarium. (...)". The quote from Aldona Cholewianka-Kruszyńska' s Dama w kolorze sepii refers to Izabela Lubomirska and Henryk Lubomirski.
You will find the Przeworsk Palace alongside other captivating Subcarpathian monuments on the Carpathian Trail of Gardens and Historic Houses. A journey along this Podkarpackie trail is a journey through both styles and eras, as well as a journey through the incredible human stories of notable Polish families.
So let's start our journey from Łańcut and Przeworsk!
![Zielony_P4274858.webp [229.54 KB]](https://podkarpackie.travel/storage/image/core_files/2023/12/28/14b7bb9d70ec059794b66bdd21528878/webp/prot/preview/Zielony_P4274858.webp)
Being the mistress of the Castle in Łańcut, Marshal Princess Izabela Lubomirska was not a fulfilled woman in only one aspect of her life. Her dream of giving birth to a son did not come true. And this is where a story happened that would be unthinkable in our time. The duchess, being on a visit to her husband's family, the Duke of Kiev Castellan Józef Lubomirski, having spotted a beautiful boy on the couch, the castellan's son, grabbed him, wrapped him in a fur muff and left with him for Łańcut.
On the way she notified his parents that little Henry was with her, at the same time asking them to put their son in her custody. This is how Henryk Lubomirski came to live in one of the most beautiful magnate residences, the castle in Łańcut, which owes its present form and dazzling splendor of interiors to Izabela Lubomirska.
In this magnificent residence, you can still admire the beautiful interiors, where Isabella and Henrik strolled in past centuries. In the duchess marshal's apartments one can admire rococo paneling, huge mirrors and amazing wall upholstery in floral patterns. In the Green Men's Suites we are captivated by the original playing card table from the era. Equally rich interiors can be found in the Corner Salon, the Boucher Salon, or the Grand Dining Room and Ballroom. You will also find a sculpture depicting Henry as Cupid.
![Łańcut Zamek_fot. K. Kłysewicz.webp [1.54 MB]](https://podkarpackie.travel/storage/image/core_files/2023/5/18/d683a9c884457480b42f261c3374f639/webp/prot/preview/Łańcut%20Zamek_fot.%20K.%20Kłysewicz.webp)
When Henry had already grown up, Izabela Lubomirska bought him Przeworsk in 1799. The duchess also commissioned the construction of the Przeworsk palace. The new residence, modest on the outside and styled in English classicism, hid much intimate charm inside. In times of the greatest splendor, after the transformation of the Przeworsk estate into an entail, the Lubomirski Family gathered a rich collection of artwork here, and their palace was one of the most important centers of cultural life in Galicia until World War II.
![Przeworsk Zespół Pałacowo-Parkowy_033.webp [2.14 MB]](https://podkarpackie.travel/storage/image/core_files/2024/10/9/50307476dd9230af08e9fd1e09ad0927/webp/prot/preview/Przeworsk%20Zespół%20Pałacowo-Parkowy_033.webp)
Currently, the Palace and Park Complex is the headquarters of the Przeworsk Museum, where you can admire representative interiors such as the rose salon, the duchess's boudoir, the prince's study, bedroom, ballroom and dining room. Also noteworthy is a sideboard, also known as a handy kitchen, with preserved original built-in cabinets and representative display cases for china. Another preserved original pieces of decor include fireplaces, chandeliers, window and door woodwork, stucco, and a concert grand piano by Berlin-based Bechstein (1865).
Przeworsk and Łańcut are not the only Lubomirski estates. In the second half of the 17th century, the Lubomirski family expanded and surrounded Rzeszów Castle with a stone wall. In past centuries, this former fortress would repel Tartar incursions.
To this day, the building has retained a bastion-type fortification and an extensive moat. Rzeszów Castle also hides stories of many people. According to legend, Jerzy Ignacy Lubomirski bet that he would shoot a rooster from a castle window, but instead of the bird the shot a man. As penance and reparation, the magnate built a monastery in Rozwadów (Stalowa Wola).
![Letni Pałac Lubomirskich_fot. K. Kłysewicz.webp [2.16 MB]](https://podkarpackie.travel/storage/image/core_files/2023/5/23/eacaac1496d43925e78f774216145199/webp/prot/preview/Letni%20Pałac%20Lubomirskich_fot.%20K.%20Kłysewicz.webp)
Not far from the Rzeszów Castle we can find another representative residence associated with the Lubomirski family - the Lubomirski Summer Palace. The uniqueness of the palace, formerly known as the Garden Palace, is evidenced by its location on the plan of the letter "H" referring to the name of its founder Hieronim Lubomirski. This charming palace was a place of leisure and aristocratic entertainment for the Lubomirski family. It housed a court theater and was surrounded by an impressive French-style Baroque garden. Only small fragments remained in the vicinity of the palace from the garden absorbed by the expanding city.
We already say goodbye to the members of the Lubomirski family and move to the Mycielski estate in Wiśniowa, which includes the original manor house (outbuildings), palace, outbuildings, neoclassical burial chapel and a park. In 1864, Wiśniowa, initially a summer residence, was bought by Waleria and Franciszek Mycielski. Under their son, John Sigismund, a lawyer and painter, the Wiśniowa residence became known as the Barbizon of Wiśniowa in reference to the famous French Barbizon school of landscape painting.
At that time, artists who were friends of John Sigismund used to attend the seat of the Mycielski family in large numbers: Józef Czapski, Jan Cybis and Hanna Rudzka-Cybisowa, Tytus Czyżewski, Leon Chwistek, Karol Rostworowski. Presently, the renovated and restored mansion houses a modern exhibition center, with a multimedia room and the Zygmunt Mycielski Room. From the former Mycielski estate, one can also admire the palace, a vast park and a neoclassical burial chapel. The farm buildings now house a modern lodging and conference center.
![Zespół Parkowo Dworski i Folwarczny w Wiśniowej_fot. W. Augustyn.webp [1.35 MB]](https://podkarpackie.travel/storage/image/core_files/2023/5/23/691746ace8486fa9912f0cd307a4daa7/webp/prot/preview/Zespół%20Parkowo%20Dworski%20i%20Folwarczny%20w%20Wiśniowej_fot.%20W.%20Augustyn.webp)
The court park still hides many interesting facts and human stories. In its northern part, for example, one can discover the tombstone of the Mycielski ladies' dog with an inscription: "The most beautiful dog of the Mycielski ladies, the most faithful companion, Fred (...)″. Also impressive is the picturesque hornbeam avenue and many other valuable trees like the 2017 European Tree of the Year - Oak Joseph. The oak tree currently stands 30 meters tall and has a circumference of more than 670 centimeters, according to local legend, and gave shelter to Jews during World War II. Inside it, two brothers who escaped from the KL Płaszów camp hid for several days. Oak Joseph also appears on a 1932 100-złoty banknote designed by Józef Mehoffer.
On the Carpathian Trail of Gardens and Historic Houses, you will also find romantic-style palaces and castles. One of them is the romantic seat of Magdalena Countess Morska, née Dzieduszycki - the Palace in Zarzecz. It was the palace and garden complex, along with the manor and village buildings in Zarzecz, that became the countess' life's work, which, in addition to the beauty of the place, also became known as the center of Galician social life.
The Renaissance Castle Przecław, the architecture of which combines Renaissance features with Neo-Renaissance and Neo-Gothic elements, was also rebuilt in a romantic style in the 19th century. Henryk Sienkiewicz is supposed to have said after visiting Przecław that the castle is "a jewel among the preserved castles of the old Republic."
Tours and opening hours
Castle (Ground floor, 1st Floor), Stables and Coach House
February 1 to November 15
Monday - 12.00 - 4.00 p.m. (last entry at 2.30p.m.)
Tuesday - Friday - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (last entry at 2:50 p.m.)
from February 1 to May 31 and from October 1 to November 15
Saturday - 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (last entry at 2:50 p.m.)
Sunday - 9am-5pm (last entry at 4pm)
from June 1 to September 30
Monday - 12.00 - 4.00 p.m. (last entry at 2.30p.m.)
Tuesday - Friday - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (last entry at 2:50 p.m.)
Saturday, Sunday - 10:00 am - 6:00 pm (last entry at 5:00 pm)
Contact details
ul. Zamkowa 1
37-100 Łańcut
tel. 17 225 20 08
email: muzeum@zamek-lancut.pl
Opening hours
summer season (May 1 - September 30)
Monday: 11.00 a.m.–3.00 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday: 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 10.00 a.m.–2.00 p.m.
winter season (October 1 - April 30)
Monday: 11.00 a.m.–3.00 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday: 10.00 a.m.–3.30 p.m.
Saturday: closed
Sunday: 10.00 a.m.–2.00 p.m.
"Magnez" Gallery open daily during the Museum's working hours.
The last visitors are allowed in 1 hour before the museum closes.
Contact details
ul. Park 2
37-200 Przeworsk
KORDEGARDA Tourist Information Center
ul. Park 1
37-200 Przeworsk
tel. 575 93 95 93
e-mail: cit.kordegarda@gmail.com
The castle currently houses the District Court.
Contact details
Plac Śreniawitów 3
35-006 Rzeszów
Opening hours
The Palace currently houses the District Medical Chamber.
Monday-Thursday: 8:00a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Contact details
ul.Dekerta 2
35-030 Rzeszów
Opening hours
summer season (May 1 - September 30)
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m.- 8:00 p.m.
winter season (October 1 - April 30)
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Saturday / Sunday by prior telephone arrangement
Contact details
District Center for Culture and Tourism in Wiśniowa
Wiśniowa 193
38-123 Wiśniowa
tel. 17 276 55 90
e-mail: pckit@strzyzowski.pl
summer season (May 1 - September 30)
Wednesday - Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 1:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
on Mondays and Tuesdays the museum is closed
winter season (October 1 - April 30)
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
the museum is closed on Sundays and Mondays
Contact details
Dzieduszycki Museum in Zarzecz branch of the Jarosław Museum Orsetti House
ul.Księdza Gajeckiego 5
37-205 Zarzecze
tel. 793 839 294
e-mail: zarzecze@muzeum-jaroslaw.pl
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.
(Castle tour starts at every full hour)
Saturday - Sunday - holidays: closed
Contact details
ul.Podzamcze 8
39-320 Przecław
tel. 17 774 70 64
e-mail: zamek@zamekprzeclaw.pl