"Teddy worried more and more that he couldn't play with the children. From this worry, one of his ears flapped. - That's OK," consoled the bear. - Now, if a tale falls into one of my ears, it won't escape with the other, because this floppy one will keep it." Such were the musings of the now iconic Teddy Floppy Ear.
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You can meet Teddy Floppy Ear and Colargol, Winnie the Pooh, Plastuś, Filemon the Cat, the Smurfs and Maya the Bee in the only museum of its kind in Poland - in Rzeszow's Museum of Bedtime Cartoons. A place where you will find unique collections related to the history of Polish and foreign animation for children, starting with the oldest evening shows broadcast on Polish Television's 1st Program.
Cult bedtime stories from years ago
So let's set off on a multi-generational tour of the museum, because the place will be perfect to connect the generations and get today's kids interested in fairy tales. The children, just like Teddy Floppy Ear, can listen a tale with one ear and remember it for a long time, even without a floppy ear. This is where parents or grandparents can show their children and grandchildren their favorite characters from the past. The younger ones have a great time here, and the adults fondly return with memories to their childhood days. Watching a communist-era evening show for the first time or, thanks to it, getting back to the land of childhood will please both adults and children. Who wouldn't want to come face to face with Teddy Floppy Ear or Colargol and see the real puppets up close?
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Quite a treat, in addition to the designs of bedtime puppets and animation characters, are the original scripts and storyboards, animation films, or the manuscript of the first Polish bedtime story "Jacek i Agatka." Fans of the vintage world are sure to find plenty of goodies for themselves, such as books decorated with images of cartoon characters, comic books, vinyl records, cassette and VHS tapes, and even such items as figurines and badges.
The history of the museum began with the idea of collector Wojciech Jama, who donated memorabilia he had collected for years to the city of Rzeszów.
Opening hours
Tuesday - Friday: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Monday: closed
Contact details
The Museum of Bedtime Cartoons from the collection of Wojciech Jama in Rzeszow
ul. Mickiewicza 13
35-064 Rzeszów
tel: 17 748 36 51