A tourist route connected with the life and work of Count Aleksander Fredro, renowned Polish playwright and poet, author of fables and diaries

Szlak „Śladami Aleksandra Fredry”


Długość trasy: ok. 450 km 

The itinerary of the international Trail Following Aleksander Fredro's Footsteps leads to places associated with the life and work of Poland’s greatest comedy writer. It is nearly 450 kilometres long. It will take you to the ruins of Kamieniec Castle, on the border between the villages of Korczyna and Odrzykoń, then to Hoczew, Cisna, Lesko, Sambor, Rudki, Beńkowa Wisznia, Lviv, Przemyśl, Surochów near Jarosław, Nienadowa, and back to Kamieniec Castle. 


Length of the Route: approx. 450 km



Photo: Tomasz Okoniewski