The foothills reach the altitude of more than 600 metres, the highest being the summits of Suchy Obycz (617 m) and Kopystańka (541 m)

Przemyskie Foothills Landscape Reserve



The ravines along the River San in the vicinity of Słonne, Wybrzeże, Iskań, Babice, Nienadowa and Krasiczyn add to the diversity of the nearby landscapes.


Most of the area (64%) is covered with forest complexes, inhabited by numerous species of birds and animals typical for primeval forests.


Particularly interesting here are the xerothermic grasslands resembling steppe-like meadows (Rybotycze, Makowa). Other valuable features include the transitional mires and bogs in the vicinity of Dubiecko (Bachórzec), which are comprised within Broduszurki Nature Reserve, home to very interesting flora and fauna.


The most valuable natural features are protected within nine nature reserves called Brzoza czarna w Reczpolu, Krępak, Brodoszurki, Turnica, Reberce, Przełom Hołubli, Kalwaria pacławska, Kopystanka, and Leoncina.


Numerous hiking trails lead to the most interesting natural and landscape features as well as heritage sites located within the park.


In spring and in summer many visitors come here to enjoy a ride by the narrow-gauge train travelling from Przeworsk to Dynów.



Photo: Andrzej Błoński