The museum has over 350 skis in its collection, the oldest of which are over a hundred years old

Ski Museum in Cieklin

38-222 Cieklin
phone: 13 479 19 19

how to get there

In addition to them, visitors will also see old poles, ski boots and bindings. An interesting exhibit is the 1918 "Ski Manual" by Aleksander Bobkowski, one of the leading ski activists in pre-war Poland. The exhibits are presented from the oldest to the newest, so visitors can see how skiing has changed over the past 120 years. The facility also reminds you that the first ski in Poland was constructed in Cieklin.


Admission to the museum is free. The collections come from donors and private collectors.



Places worth seeing in the surrounding area:

Church in Załęże

Church in Osiek Jasielski

Magura National Park

Scenic tower in Desznica 


Photo: Ski Museum in Cieklin