The lovely towns and villages of the Subcarpathian region have fascinated many film producers. Along the trail you can see locations known from Volhynia, Corpus Christi, Wataha (The Pack) and many more movies
Podkarpackie Film Trail
A trip along the Podkarpackie Film Trail is an exciting way to discover attractions of the region by visiting places known from movies and TV series. It is a particularly fascinating option for those with a passionate interest in cinema. Along the way visitors can also learn interesting facts about the Subcarpathian region. Anyone wishing to find out what films were made in this area should visit the sites along this trail.
You can find the specific places by following a specially designed map. It is available online on the website of the Podkarpackie Film Commission.
The Podkarpackie Film Trail has been designed and launched by the Podkarpackie Film Commission. The project started in 2020. At present the trail consists of four parts located in the village of Jaśliska, the city of Przemyśl, the Bieszczady Mountains and the city of Jarosław.
Photo: Michał Woźny / Podkarpackie Film Commission