Sanctuary of the Holy Sepulchre in Przeworsk is one of the best preserved landmarks of Gothic architecture in Poland
Sanctuary of the Holy Sepulchre in Przeworsk
Parish of the Holy Spirit in Przeworsk
Kościelna 7
37-200 Przeworsk
phone: 515 781 786
The complex, comprising a Gothic basilica dedicated to the Holy Spirit, was built in 1430-1473. The building is surrounded by a defence wall. The church has a rectangular floor plan, there is a main tower and two smaller spires with the symbol of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre – a two-armed cross. In the side nave there is a chapel with a richly ornamented marble entrance added in 1692; inside there is a replica of the Christ’s tomb in Jerusalem, from 1712, in its wall there is a stone from the original sepulchre of the Messiah. The walls of the church are ornamented with neo-classicist painting from the 19th century and they retain fragments of older polychrome ornaments. The church features 18th century altars, in the main altar there are relics of the Holy Cross. In the aisle we can see a gunmetal font from 1400. In 1982 John Paul II granted the status of Basilica Minor to the church.
Places worth seeing in Przeworsk and nearby:
- Gothic complex of the Bernardine Monastery
- Baroque monastery complex of the Daughters of Charity
- Tatar Mound
- The only living open-air museum in Poland-Pastewnik Inn
Photo: Przeworsk City Council