Lasumiła – the stoutest fir tree in Poland has a girth of 519 cm
Lasumiła is 250 years old, compared to the mean lifespan of Polish firs amounting to 62 years. To see this natural attraction, follow Lasumiła nature trail. In order to get there, drive from Baligród to the village of Jabłonki, past the roadside shrine, and after about 150 metres turn left. Near the pond in Jabłonki there is a car park, and a picnic area with benches, tables and a site for a bonfire; there you will see an information board with a detailed map of the nature trail. From this location it will take you about 1.5 – 2 hours (1.5 km each way) to get to Lasumiła and back. To reach the fir tree just follow the markings along the trail. On your way to meet with Lasumiła, at the end of the trail walk across a wooden bridge over Syhła stream, and keep going up. When you get there, you can relax on a comfortable bench and admire the ancient fir.
The section from the forest road to the fir tree (500 m) is inaccessible for people with reduced mobility (wheelchairs, pushchair).
Worth seeing nearby:
Ciśniańsko-Wetliński Landscape Park
Landscape Reserve of the San River Valley
- Nature reserve "Sine Wiry"
- Tserkov in Łopienka
- CYCLING ROUTE Cisna – Roztoki Górne mountain pass - Ruske (Ruské) in Slovakia
Photo by Krystian Kłysewicz